Dad (left) and his brother

Today would have been my Dad’s 88th birthday. He passed away almost three years ago, and I miss him more than ever.

He was a veteran of three wars (WWII, above; Korea and Vietnam).

He was proud of his military career, serving over 30 years.


More importantly, he was a gentle, loving father…


…and a devoted husband for 58 years.

He expressed his love in his actions rather than with words. When he was away from us on “hardship” tours, he wrote every day. When I was in college, before we had e-mail or inexpensive long distance plans, he wrote to me at least twice a week. I looked forward to those letters and still recall what it felt like to see one in the mailbox. A welcome piece of home, and an expression of love, from far away.

It seems so strange to refer to him using the past tense. I wish in English we have a verb form that indicates forever. To me, my Dad IS a good man, he IS a loving man, a soft spoken man, with a good sense of humor. He IS and always will be missed.

I love you, Dad. Happy Birthday.

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