I Need a New Verb Tense

Posted May 12, 2018 by bronxcat
Categories: Uncategorized

I posted about this once before, long ago. It is something that keeps coming up in my mind, probably because I have lost several dear friends in the past year. Why do I have to speak of them in the past tense, when referring to their character traits? It just doesn’t seem right. Don’t those qualities continue on in our minds and thoughts?  It doesn’t seem to do them justice to say she was kind, or he loved me. And it seems particularly wrong if we believe they will live eternally. But when I say she is kind, or he loves me, people react negatively, either saying “I thought he died?” oR by looking they at me like they think I am losing my mind. I need a new verb tense!

The Eternal Community of Christians

Posted September 17, 2015 by bronxcat
Categories: Uncategorized

I am in the middle of reading the book “A Rabbi Talks With Jesus: An Intermillenial Interfaith Exchange” by Jacob Neusner. I am finding it very interesting and thought provoking.  In it, the author imagines himself present for the events that are recorded in the Gospel of Matthew, and records his thoughts, reactions and questions related to the message in an insightful and respectful way.

One thing that struck me was his repeated references to “eternal Israel.”  The author discusses how much of what Jesus says relates to the individual listener, but does not address how to apply Jesus’ teachings to the family unit, to the community, and to “eternal Israel” which, as I understand it, would be the body of Jewish believers in a covenant relationship with God.  The more I read about “eternal Israel” the more I was drawn to this way of thinking.  In this day of overall decline in participation in the Christian Church in America, I wonder if applying this view to our body of believers would result in changing attitudes about the importance of community as compared to “individual spirituality.”  I know that I was away from the church for many years, practicing “Lone Ranger Christianity” and unaware of what I was missing. I now look back upon those years with regret for what might have been.

I hope to post more at a later date, as I continue to read and think about this book.

Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me

Posted August 15, 2015 by bronxcat
Categories: Uncategorized

City Island, Bronx, NY

This hymn was sung today at a memorial service that I attended.

It was very appropriate and moving, as the deceased was a man who loved and worked upon the sea.

Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me

Lyrics by Edward Hopper; Music by John Edgar Gould

Jesus, Savior, pilot me,
Over life’s tempestuous sea;
Unknown waves before me roll,
Hiding rock and treach’rous shoal;
Chart and compass came from Thee:
Jesus, Savior, pilot me.

As a mother stills her child,
Thou canst hush the ocean wild;
Boist’rous waves obey Thy will
When Thou say’st to them, “Be still!”
Wondrous Sov’reign of the sea,
Jesus, Savior, pilot me.

When at last I near the shore,
And the fearful breakers roar
’Twixt me and the peaceful rest,
Then, while leaning on Thy breast,
May I hear Thee say to me,
“Fear not, I will pilot thee.”


Posted August 9, 2015 by bronxcat
Categories: Uncategorized

When I was walking around the neighborhood early Saturday morning, I heard two men arguing loudly in one of the houses.  They were both clearly angry, and both were using a lot of foul language.  The gist of what they were saying, was “I care about you….I am trying to help you…if I didn’t bring this food you wouldn’t have anything to eat this weekend…” and “I didn’t ask for your help…stop trying to run my life…it is none of your business…”

As I continued to walk, I said a prayer, asking for God to help these two men. Asking for him to guide them and calm them.  Asking for him to do for them whatever it is that they needed from him, as I can’t possibly know or understand their situation and how to help.  It felt good to ask God to intervene in their lives. And then the thought occurred to me.  If I did not believe in God and the power of prayer, how would I be feeling? Saddened by their obvious problems?  Helpless? Hopeless? In despair over such conflict? Thankfully I do believe, and as a result I can experience joy where there would be sorrow.

A Kid’s View of the Christmas Story

Posted December 15, 2011 by bronxcat
Categories: Holidays

Kid’s retell the Christmas Story in their own words.


Dixie Land Jazz for Cows

Posted November 25, 2011 by bronxcat
Categories: Humor, Music

Gloria Gobbler

Posted November 23, 2011 by bronxcat
Categories: Humor

Happy Thanksgiving!

Jesus Painting–David Garibaldi

Posted November 16, 2011 by bronxcat
Categories: Christian Inspiration

Absolutely amazing!

Bronx Snow Oct. 29, 2011

Posted October 30, 2011 by bronxcat
Categories: Bronx, Photos

It is very unusual for us to have snow so early in the season. These pictures were taken early in the day. Where I live in the Bronx we got about 2 inches accumulation.

While it is very pretty, and peaceful, it caused a lot of problems because the leaves that are still on the trees retain the snow and the branches to become very heavy. They actually closed all of the city parks in order to keep people out of them and safe from falling branches and trees.


Posted October 24, 2011 by bronxcat
Categories: Family

Dad (left) and his brother

Today would have been my Dad’s 88th birthday. He passed away almost three years ago, and I miss him more than ever.

He was a veteran of three wars (WWII, above; Korea and Vietnam).

He was proud of his military career, serving over 30 years.


More importantly, he was a gentle, loving father…


…and a devoted husband for 58 years.

He expressed his love in his actions rather than with words. When he was away from us on “hardship” tours, he wrote every day. When I was in college, before we had e-mail or inexpensive long distance plans, he wrote to me at least twice a week. I looked forward to those letters and still recall what it felt like to see one in the mailbox. A welcome piece of home, and an expression of love, from far away.

It seems so strange to refer to him using the past tense. I wish in English we have a verb form that indicates forever. To me, my Dad IS a good man, he IS a loving man, a soft spoken man, with a good sense of humor. He IS and always will be missed.

I love you, Dad. Happy Birthday.